4 Health and Wellness Tips For the Winter Season

Posted by Karah Ehrhardt on Nov 15, 2022 8:00:00 AM


As you get ready to embrace the winter months and enjoy the holidays with your friends and family, remember to also make healthy living a priority throughout the joys of the season. Here are four wellness tips to put your best foot forward this season while enjoying it to the fullest. 

Morning Yoga Routine, yoga for health, yoga programming

1. Establish a Morning Routine.

Many fitness regimens take a back seat during the winter due to the busyness of the holidays and the cooler temperatures. However, making it part of your daily routine will help you stay on track. Better yet, start your day with healthy activities like morning stretches, gratitude journaling, meditation or yoga to reap the benefits throughout the day. 

Many fitness-related activities like yoga can improve sleeping patterns, as well as center attention and heighten your overall concentration. While the holidays are an exciting time of year, they can also feel overwhelming at times. Yoga helps channel inner peace and strength, which can be an enormous help when dealing with holiday stress. Having a healthy routine you can stick to during this season to calm your mind and your body can help with those feelings while being extremely beneficial to your health and leading to improvements in your everyday life. 

de-fogging eyewear with face mask

2. Use De-fogging Eyewear.

If you’re someone who normally wears glasses, then you know first-hand how aggravating it can be to wear them in the winter. With constantly having to adjust them or wear them with hats, it can become uncomfortable. On top of that, added chill in the air brings on colds and other viruses much more easily; while we’ve all learned that wearing a mask can be helpful to prevent illness, it’s also a huge culprit when it comes to fogging up your lenses. In addition, frequently traveling between the inside and the outdoor temperatures causes glasses to condensate quickly. 

Luckily, over the past few years, combatting foggy glasses while wearing a mask has become much easier as many companies have made new technologies like anti-fog spray to help prevent the issue. It’s always important to make sure that your vision is crystal clear for safety, and for enjoying and experiencing life during this beautiful time of year. 

winter fruit and vegetables, inspiring healthy communities


3. Eat Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables. One of the best ways to fully embrace the winter season is by consuming all of the lovely seasonal fruits and vegetables that arrive during this time of year. Brussels sprouts, collard greens, cranberries, pumpkin, and winter squash are all delicious items of produce that give you the proper nutrients and energy needed to take on the day. 

As tempting as it can be to indulge in the holiday’s sweet treats, don’t forget to take advantage of the amazing sweet and savory flavors of winter produce. The season only lasts so long, so it’s crucial that you take the opportunity to consume them now while they’re ripe. You can also create a wide variety of different fun and nutrition-packed recipes with these seasonal items, including baking a pie or creating a healthy dish to share with friends and family. 

hydrate for health and wellness, water with lemon

4. Hydrate. The cooler, dry air paired with holiday spirits call for a focus on hydration. Stay hydrated by drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning before or with your coffee. Adding electrolytes to one of your daily glasses of water is a great way to stay healthy through hydration. Electrolytes are good for your ions, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium to name a few, that can help promote sleep, improve immunity, reduce stress and more.  A common hydration issue in the winter is dealing with dry skin as well. Make it a priority to use a skin-soothing hydrating lotion. A helpful tip to remember is to apply your hydrating and moisturizing lotion while your skin is damp or wet. Utilizing this additional tip allows you to help your skin to retain a more significant amount of moisture. 

Establishing a healthy routine, and making sure to prioritize your wellness will greatly impact your life this winter, in busy seasons and beyond. Not only will your body feel better on the inside, but you’ll notice a healthy glow on the outside as well.

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Director of Wellness Karah EhrhardtActive's Director of Wellness, Karah Ehrhardt, has been with the organization since its inception and has been a part of the greater fitness industry for 15 years now. She is passionate about meeting individuals where they are by providing our sites and members with the tools, resources and products that help support their health and wellness journey.