Small Ways to Add More Movement Into Your Daily Life

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Aug 5, 2022 11:15:00 AM


Small Ways to Add More Movement Into Your Daily Life

This month we are focused on adding more movement into our daily lives because when you move more, you feel better. We all know that a regular exercise routine has so many valuable benefits to our hearts and physical bodies, but something as simple as 10 seconds of quick movement is beneficial too. It can release endorphins providing energy and positivity, it can help your mind take a quick break and refocus you, as well as relieve stress.

Here are a few small ways to add movement into your daily life:
  • Complete 10 Squats while your coffee brews
  • Choose a parking spot further away
  • Take a 10-minute walk after a meal to regulate blood sugar.
  • Do 5 Sun Salutations after you make your bed in the morning.
  • Take the stairs on the way to the office or anywhere it’s an option.
  • How about some calf raises while cooking dinner?
  • Take a walk while on conference calls.
  • Every time you fill up your cup of water do 10 alternating lunges
  • Carry your groceries (within reason) vs. using a cart. That watermelon is heavy and will give you a workout!
  • Meditate for 5 minutes when you wake up in the morning. Yes, wellness counts as movement!
  • Stretch before bed.
  • Create a space to stand while you work.
  • Play tag with your kids at the park.
  • Every hour stand up from your desk while working.
  • Instead of watching TV from the couch, watch while you stretch.
  • If you're an avid reader, do a summer switch and listen to an audiobook so you can walk while you listen.
  • Stand and sit 5 times after your meeting ends.
  • Do 5 neck circles in each direction after you send a text.
  • Complete a 5-10 minute mid-day workout to get the blood flowing.
  • End your work day with alternate nostril breathing after you shut down your computer.
  • Do 5 shoulder rolls backward and forwards after you send an email.
  • Complete 5 push-ups when you open up the fridge.
  • Do 5 sit-ups every commercial.
We hope these ideas help your daily wellness. Did we miss any? What unique way would you add movement into your everyday life? Let us know!

*Team Active content is not medical advice; it’s inspiration to live actively!