*Free* Holiday Wellness Strategies

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Nov 25, 2019 11:08:14 AM

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The holidays are upon us!  End-of-year deadlines, shopping, travel plans, New Year's planning, and the like can overwhelm even the most organized among us. Here's a quick list of wellness strategies you can implement to create a healthier holiday season:

* Turn off your phone. For one hour, or one day, unplug and take 20 deep breaths. 

* Practice 5x5 gratitude. 5 consecutive days, write 5 things you're thankful for.

* Walk more, sleep more. Get more steps in and you may sleep better!

* Listen to an uplifting podcast or audiobook during otherwise mundane tasks. 

* Focus on your strengths! Instead of trying to rid yourself of less-than-ideal habits, it can be more successful to give energy to expanding your positive attributes. 

Wishing you & yours a very happy, healthy holiday season.