How to Retain Your Team and Culture

Posted by Michele Wong on Aug 26, 2021 8:00:00 AM

How do you keep your top employees and continue to build culture during this challenging time? Here are 5 tips to retaining top talent.


  1. Take the time to hire cultural fits. Ask the right questions and take the time to meet your candidates to see if they are the right fit for your organization. While someone might be a great hire, they might not be the right cultural fit. Someone that aligns with your culture will likely retain longer employment than someone who doesn’t.
  2. Treat employees like owners. At Active, we provide an open door policy with a non-lateral management style level. Employees know they can reach out to anyone in the organization at any time.
  3. Give everyone an opportunity to lead. Is there a meeting or presentation that someone on your team could take the lead on? Maybe building out a program or policy for the company? Look to provide for more growth opportunities for your team to help them grow within the organization. 
  4. Allow time for creativity. We all need time to sharpen our skills and learn from others as well as be creative. Give your team time to create, brainstorm and build. It will help them grow and could help your organization grow as well. 
  5. Give employees the opportunity to be product testers. At Active, we are constantly testing products and program models. Allowing your team to test products and tools for your organization will allow them to explore new things in the market and determine if it’s a good fit for your company. 

It’s also crucial to know the difference between organizational culture and climate. Organizational climate is how employees are experiencing the work environment at any given moment and may not always align with your culture. A negative shift in climate can impact organizational culture if employees aren’t supported through the shifts. 

With decades of experience recruiting fitness employees, Team Active has an eagle eye for talent. We hire key positions - executive-level facility managers, personal trainers, and fitness staff - or an entire team depending on your facility’s needs.

Contact Active Wellness today for a staffing consultation.

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Copy of Michele BioMichele Wong is Active Wellness' COO. A leader in partner management, Michele’s 20-year career provides a proven track record of her ability to build high-performing teams and exceed client expectations. Her focus is building healthier communities through the delivery of integrated fitness, nutrition, health coaching, and medical services.