Let’s Move for a Better World

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Jul 22, 2019 12:06:23 PM


Virtual Engagement Campaign Benefiting Local Communities

To increase engagement and build community, an Active-managed site in Manhattan recently participated in Techno-Gym’s Let’s Move for a Better World campaign. Members were challenged to “donate their MOVEs” to fight obesity and win a TechnoGym-donated product for a non-profit in their community. By utilizing TechnoGym’s cloud-based digital platform, members’ movements were automatically tracked.

During the two-week campaign, Team Active’s member engagement jumped 200%. We also partnered with a local high school and organized group classes for teens and adults both at the club and outside at Central Park. Partnering with a high school had two intentions: to connect with new families in the community and to combat the startling statistics that adolescents are 4x more likely to be obese compared to just 30 years ago. Each participant who donated MOVEs at our site was entered to win prizes, complimentary personal training, and we gave away a few free annual memberships.

To find out how Active Wellness provides wellness programs and ongoing operations service at fitness centers across North America, please contact our team today.