Maintain a Sense of Community

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Apr 1, 2020 9:00:00 AM

maintain a sense of communityHumans are social creatures. As we navigate another week of self-isolation, we may find ourselves caught up on Netflix and craving the interaction we used to enjoy with co-workers, friends and extended family. Try these creative ideas for staying connected and part of your community during this unique season of life:

Social apps like Marco Polo or Snap Chat. If you’re not already using these to connect, now is a great time to start! You can invite different friend groups to join a chat and share updates with each other as you have time throughout the day. 

Virtual Coffee Chats, Playdates or Happy Hours. Schedule a time to meet via Google Hangouts, Zoom or Facetime. Catch up over a cup of coffee or your favorite bevi. Or hand your phone to the kids for a supervised virtual playdate, to let them share their favorite toys or latest creation with each other. 

Surprise your neighbors with a random act of kindness. Rake their leaves or drop a bag of coffee beans and cookies to your neighbors’ front door, either with a note or a wave from a safe distance.*

Join a Facebook swap group. Have extra that you can share or something you need to borrow? Search for a trade or freebies group in your area where neighbors are looking for everything from Children’s Tylenol to toilet paper (yes, some people are that generous). This can help spread out trips to the stores and reduce the risk of infection.*

Social Distance Walks. Plan a time to “meet” a friend for a walk, and put your earbuds in for a phone call while you’re both out getting some fresh air in your own neighborhoods. 

Check on the elderly and at-risk in your neighborhood. Ring the doorbell (and step back!) to ask how you can help while they avoid the risk of contamination, from bringing their trash can in from the curb to picking up a prescription at your next trip to the store. There are also Facebook groups forming for this purpose so you can easily find and fill needs across your community. The feel-good vibes will keep you company for days to come.

*Whenever exchanging with another family, be sure to do front porch exchanges only, and thoroughly disinfect items at drop-off and again before bringing them into the home.

Team Active content is not medical advice; it's inspiration to live actively!

Circle Template_JessJessica Isle is the Marketing Manager for Active Wellness and leads our B2C strategy for our partners with a focus on medical fitness. Currently working from her home state in Tennessee alongside her infant and five-year-old sons, she's running on coffee and living for her Marco Polo chats with close friends to stay connected.