Move More

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Mar 19, 2020 10:39:12 AM

MOVE MORE TITLEAt Active, we are always fans of fitness but movement is more important than ever before. Exercise and getting your blood flowing is good for your immune system and overall health. There has truly never been a better time to move! Check out our tips to getting in a workout and adding more movement to your day. And remember anything, even just a stretch session, is better than nothing. You've got this! 

  • Put it on the calendar. Exercise is just as important as your other meetings during the day. Adding it to your schedule makes it a priority and marks your time as busy so that you can focus on you without distraction.
  • Set a timer to get up and move at least every hour. Walk around your home, do a minute of jumping jacks or lunges. Keep your blood flowing to help with your health and mindset. 
  • Routine, routine, routine. Start your day with a morning walk or run. Beginning the day with movement guarantees that you fit it into your busy schedule and allows you to start the day off with a win!
  • Make it a competition. Who doesn’t love a friendly wager? Challenge your BFF to a daily or weekly workout plan. It’s a two-way street, a workout partner will help keep you accountable and on-track to consistent workouts. Jump on Facetime and celebrate your workout wins or even try doing a workout together over the phone!
  • Use a fitness tracker. Fitness trackers are a great way to keep yourself motivated, accountable and track your progress. 
  • Put one of your favorite songs on and D A N C E  I T O U T for a fun movement-based break.
  • Something is better than nothing. If the day is getting away from you, make it a point to move even a little after that last email, phone call or chore. A little stretch can go a long way.  
  • Go online the night before and plan your virtual workout for the next day. That way it’s already chosen for you, no excuses to not get that workout in. 

What workouts are inspiring you right now? With many of us practicing social distancing, the Active team has created a 6-week workout video program that you can do from the comfort of your own home and on your own time starting Monday, March 23rd. Check out our Active At-Home Workout YouTube Playlist here.


Team Active content is not medical advice; it's inspiration to live actively!