Sparking JOY

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Dec 23, 2020 12:00:00 PM

What’s your favorite holiday tradition? While the holiday season looks different than previous years, we can still find ways to create new memories and find reasons to smile. Share these healthy lifestyle tips on creating JOY.

  • Connecting with friends and family, whether virtually or in a safe in-person setting, has been proven to boost your immune system, improve your mental health and reduce feelings of stress and depression. Yet when you’re already feeling down it can be difficult to reach out for the #moodboost and conversation you might need. Try setting a standing meeting time with a friend for a phone call or walk together. That way you can keep a connection on your calendar with an intention to feel your best. 
  • If anybody has benefited from 2020, it may be our furry friends, with animal shelters reporting unprecedented adoption rates, and many pet owners now spending more time at home with their 4-legged companions. Any pet owner will tell you that those benefits aren’t just one-sided, and research backs them up! Playing with your pet increases feel-good chemicals of serotonin and dopamine  in your brain. This is partly why therapy dogs,  cats and even horses are so popular! So give your pets some extra love today, and know it will come full circle to 
  • It’s the season of holiday giving, but did you know that generosity boosts your own happiness as well? Researchers have proven it and even dubbed this phenomenon the ‘helper’s high’ or ‘givers glow,’ with potentially life-long lasting benefits! Just like in yoga or with other disciplines, generosity is a life-skill that can take time to practice and develop into a habit. You can start with a random act of kindness like pre-paying for the car behind you at the coffee shop or toll booth, or more intentional volunteer service for a cause that matters to you. Enjoying the feel-good benefits of a giving to others doesn’t take away from your gift; it encourages you to keep giving back! 
  • Exercising increases endorphins and dopamine along with many other feel-good chemicals. While you can’t run away from your problems, you can certainly run to reduce stress and make them seem more manageable. If you haven’t been active lately, start small with a 1-mile walk, and we promise you’ll notice a lift in your mood that keeps you coming back for more the next day. Give yourself the gift of an endorphin and energy boosting workout  - and show off that healthy glow. 

From all of us at Active, we wish you good health and a happy holiday! May you find JOY even in these challenging times.