Virtual Training Blog Series: Re-Engaging Previous Clients

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Sep 4, 2020 12:00:00 PM

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One target population that is often forgotten about is previously trained clients. Chances are the shift in working from home and closure of fitness facilities started out as a nice break but has morphed into a major lack of exercise or even movement in general.

Here are a few ways we suggest to engage with previous training clients:
  • Personal check-ins; schedule a virtual meeting just to check-in and say hello
  • Understand what their current exercise regime is and what needs they have  
  • Recommend some at-home equipment options like our custom, all-in-one resistance training kit here 

All of these can lead to an opportunity for a conversation and connection. The trainer has an opportunity to make a personal touchpoint, show their strong knowledge base of being able to accommodate the individual client needs and demonstrates the importance of having accountability to someone.


Converting Members to Personal Training

For many, if not all of our members, things are far from normal at this time. Because of this disruption to routines and normalcy, it is also far more important for fitness personnel to understand how a prospect client may be feeling and grasp the details of their current situation.

How to convert members to personal training:
  • Develop marketing specific to that member population; what service is right for them?
  • Understand the barriers that a prospective client has both to exercise and due to space constraints, work/life balance, virtual schooling, etc.
  • Highlight the personalized aspect of training
  • Demonstrate that you are capable of assisting with their overall health and wellness, including life at home, to help build the rapport 



When pricing your virtual training it is important to keep several key ideas in mind:
  • When will you be opening the option for in-person training again?
  • Have you detailed out what the differences are for in-person training vs. virtual training?
  • Should you consider making an adjustment on session length vs. price, i.e. 45-minute sessions vs. 1-hour sessions?
  • Do you have other virtual programs and services available?

Some clubs have decided to keep their pricing the same, in-person and virtual. Other clubs have decided to reduce the price of the virtual sessions. If you are going to offer a discount on virtual training, you should be sure to highlight WHY you offered the discount so that you are not offering competing services when your club does reopen. 

As long as you have thought through your plan, revenue, and ability to achieve your goals, there is no right or wrong way to price your sessions as long as you are clear to your members so they know exactly what they are paying for. 

As part of this blog series, we will review and discuss alternative virtual programming and services outside of personal training and group exercise to help enhance your community, engagement and outreach. Contact Active Wellness today for any of your virtual programming needs. 



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Kiley Mutschler | Senior General Manager 

Kiley supports teams across the US and Canada. She is staying connected to her teams via Google Meet and onsite where accounts have been able to reopen. Kiley has enjoyed spending more time outdoors and is continually working towards new personal fitness goals during this time! 


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Nathan Capuchino |  Senior General Manager 

Nathan is located in the bay area and oversees sites from San Francisco to Silicon Valley. Utilizing Google Meet, Nathan maintains contact with his teams and clients alike. During the extra time spent at home, he has been enjoying working on house projects and improving his home.