Active's Top Member Safety Tips for 2021

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Jan 21, 2021 8:00:00 AM


As we start off a new year we wanted to share some of our Top Member Safety Tips. Providing a safe and clean fitness space is more important than ever before. Health and wellness has always been Active's top priority, and now it's part of the solution to communicable disease prevention and slowing the spread of COVID-19. 

The Active Wellness Reopening Playbook follows health authority guidelines and has been validated by our partners at Providence St. Joseph Health to implement the highest levels of cleanliness and ensure safe social distancing. Here's our top tips in keeping our members and teams safe and well in our facilities.

  • MASKS WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING - Masks with social distancing is our number one safety measure. It’s the most important measure we can take to keep our members safe. As an organization we agree with mandating masks at all times and have seen the guidance evolve in most regions of the country in alignment with this guidance.
  • ENHANCED CLEANING PROTOCOLS  - In addition to our always stringent standard of cleanliness, our comprehensive approach ensures proper cleaning, disinfection, and sanitation protocols are in place in accordance with governmental, CDC, and WHO guidelines.
  • EXERCISING SOCIAL DISTANCING - We have implemented a safer way for us to be stronger together. Markers and directional signage on the floors and walls to remind us to exercise safe social distancing practices.
  • INCREASED SANITATION STATIONS - Sanitation Stations are conveniently located, easy to use and readily available equipment disinfectant sprays, wipes, and hand sanitizers. They are also clearly marked with signage so they're easily located.
  • EQUIPMENT SPACING - We have limited the amount of equipment on our cardio and weight floors to exercise safe social distancing practices.
  • LIMITED CAPACITY - We're closely monitoring building + class capacities to allow for safe social distancing. Visits and class attendance require reservations. Deep cleaning protocols will be put into place for thorough cleaning between classes.
  • TRAINING AND EDUCATION - Continued training, education and reminders will occur regularly to ensure both our members and team members know how to keep themselves safe and well. It is everyone's responsibility to do our part in maintaining the health and wellbeing of our communities.



For more  information or help with the health and safety of your fitness center, contact us today


Additional Reading:

Study shows gyms are 500 times safer than the average public space (2020).

Your Fitness Center Reopening Checklist (2020).