Self-Care + Recovery Tips

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Nov 10, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Be sure to encourage your members to give back to themselves through recovery and self-care during these challenging times and as we enter into the holiday season. We’re slowing things down with this week’s content focused on self-care and recovery tips. 

Whether you’re recovering from a strenuous workout or just the stressors of every-day life, recovery is an important part of achieving overall physical and mental wellness. 


Stretch it out - The first tip for recovery is to stretch it out. Dedicate at least a few minutes toward the end of each workout to stretch out all of the muscles worked. Stretching not only feels good - it improves muscle recovery by reducing lactic acid, increasing your body’s length and mobility. Try this simple inversion stretch before bed tonight to help your body wind down and recover: Lay on your back, with your legs and feet up against a wall for 30 seconds or longer. #DailyDose #Recovery

Make time for a massage - Massage therapy helps reduce overall tension and can also help sore muscles recover and improve flexibility. Self-massage tools like Hyperice are trending in 2020 and make it easy to incorporate massage into your at-home recovery, and after the initial investment can provide a cost-effective alternative to regular massage. If scheduling a spa massage, be sure to explain your workout regime to your therapist so they can incorporate muscle recovery techniques into your treatment. Just as importantly, let yourself relax and enjoy the restorative benefits of massage for your overall well-being!

Take a bath - Epsom salt baths are not only relaxing, they can enhance your recovery process by reducing soreness, swelling and pain from strenuous exercise and the stress of everyday life. Simply add 1-2 cups of epsom salt to a warm bath and settle in for 12-30 minutes. Don’t have time for a leisurely bath? Fill a small basin with warm water and add about half a cup of epsom salt, then soak your feet while at the computer or watching a show. You’ll be multitasking while relaxing, and your feet will thank you with softer skin and fewer aches!

Recover with food - Nutrition is an important part of your body’s recovery process, which includes the 3 R’s of: Refuel, Rebuild and Rehydrate. Eating well help your body recover and gain the long-term results you’ve worked so hard to achieve.  Within 45 min of exercise, choose a snack or meal with a healthy source of carbs and protein. We love these super simple protein balls that can be prepped in advance.


Bring on the supplements - When in doubt, supplement. If you’re unsure of the amount of essential vitamins and minerals you’re getting from your daily diet, supplements and powers can help fill in the gaps.  Here are two to consider adding:

> BCAA Powder can help stimulate the building of protein in muscle, reduce muscle breakdown during exercise, and regulate protein metabolism throughout the body.They can also be taken during a workout! 

> Magnesium helps muscles to relax, and can also enhance relaxation, promote a sense of calm, and support normal sleep patterns. Magnesium is a great supplement to help support sleep and sleep is so important for recovery. 

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