5 Ways to Self-care

Posted by Active Wellness Team on Dec 30, 2020 9:30:00 AM

As we wrap up the season of giving, that should include giving back to yourself too. Self-care is more important than ever and that’s why we’re focused on finding ways throughout your busy day to care for YOU. Here are 5 Tips to Self-Care:

  1. Stop scrolling. Ever look up from your phone only to notice 15 minutes, 30 minutes ,or maybe even more, has gone by? This week we dare you to put down the phone and give yourself those extra minutes to do something self gratifying and rewarding.
  2. Let the chores wait. There will always be something to clean up, put away or do. Our lists of to-dos are never ending and since are all spending so much time at home the household duties have piled up. It’s ok to give yourself a break and take time for YOU.
  3. Make a list. If you’re feeling overwhelmed make a list and map out priorities and deadlines. Getting everything on paper will help you see that you likely have less to do than you thought. And hopefully helps you find a few extra minutes to dedicate to yourself.DD 12.31
  4. Get the rest you need to be your best. Go to bed an hour earlier than usual or let yourself sleep in.You deserve it. If you have little ones, go to bed early or if possible, take turns as parents on who gets up with the kids to give yourself a few extra minutes to start your day.
  5. Practice the art of saying “no.” It’s okay to turn down events and obligations (even virtual ones) if that means finding time for you to show up as your healthiest self for the people and other events that mean the most to you. While it might seem hard, once you turn down those extra things on your calendar we promise you will find a sense of relief, and a little more time for yourself. Some of our favorite phrases: “Thanks for including me, but I have too much on my plate right now.” and A simple “No thanks!” 

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